Tuesday 25 March 2014


What is Oncidium? Oncidium? My sport's house. It was in yellow colour. Okay, why do I keep saying Oncidium? It can be a tongue twister. But read it properly On Ci Di Um. Oncidium. Or the shortest way is Onci. Hahhaa fooled ya! Last friday was the moment when I'm proud to be one of the Oncidium members. Okay, what I meant was I'm so, fully proud and I don't felt embarassed being a yellow girl.


That's the spirit! Overall, Onci won on our sports day. Eventhough the cheers and marching team only won for the third place, me as the first & last cheerleader member (konon) felt proud and happy because THE VICTORY IS OURS!!! Hahaha you know what it's feel.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Aidil Adha Eid

Assalamualaikum peeps!

So, basically I had leave my blog for a long time. yeah, i know. miss my blog. today, is HARI RAYA AIDIL ADHA. and now I'm at my aunt's house. wow! I hv such a long story. but,,, i can't wrote now. lgpun, i think my blog has to undergo a renovation! yeah! that will be good. lps dh siap, then i'll wrote about my story. so, i have to go now. till we meet again!


Thursday 28 February 2013

online in seseri


Okay mesti korg terkejut mcm mana i blh online kt sini kn? well, actually my bm teacher gave us a permission to do the 'bm presentation' in computer lab. so, just like everybody apa lg?? online lahhh. hee bagus kn? :P rindu sgt nk online. T.T ye lah in seseri we can't online whenever we want. dgn homework belambak & x prnh putus, mmg taakk la

I don't want to talk a lot. But, i just want to say that last saturday we(all seseri student) went to Pavillion. although we went just for 3 hours but we enjoy it. ye lah, bila masa lg blh keluar dari bumi seseri yg trcinta ni kn?? :P best la jgk

we had so much fun.

so, i think that's all from me. it's already 4.15 p.m & another 15 minute i will go back to my asrama. so, bye. see ya next PB!

Aina Alisha <3

Friday 15 February 2013

my only friend that always remember me

Amira Aina, the comellest & smartest girl i've ever met

14 February = valentines day... NO LAHHH
14 February = this comel girl's birthday!!!

Amira Aina, whether awk baca ke x baca ke what i'm gonna say is you're the best best best friend i've ever had. You know that you have the friendship chemistry with me? Ceee waaahh. You know what i like, what i dislike. You know my favourite, you know my taste, you know everything about me bcause you're my bestfriend. *sorry kita ambil gmbar awk yg lama sbb ada computer problem. 

You always remember my birthday & always remember me. I'm really sorry if i ignored you sometimes. I realized that you are special to me. Eventhough, x sama skolah & baru rapat x smpai setahun, it seems like i've knew you for many years.


Skrg dh x sama skolah. Amira makin jauh, dari baling, kedah to langkawi. She left me when i started want to know her more. But i didn't blame her for this. I thanked her bcause showing me a true friendship. Alhamdulillah, kita sama2 brjaya masa PMR. Sama2 8A. And now i'm in seseri and you're in langkawi. Jauhhhhh sgt. But always remember, OUR FRIENDSHIP WILL NEVER FADE EVEN MILES AWAY.. 

# duduk sna blajar rajin2 ya, insyaallah sama2 dpt 9A SPM 2014. Klau ada rezeki 9A+. Heeee.. 
# Amira Aina, Aina Alisha. Sama2 AA. Kita mmg ada friendship chemistry kn? Ngeee =P so, don't ever forget me ya! 
# you're my best friend dunia akhirat, amin.
# I Love You, You Love Me, We Are Happy Friend. Muahhhhh :* 

Love you always,
Aina Alisha <3 

two weeks in Seseri


Hye guys. It's already about 3 weeks x post anything. Rindu sgt. *sbnrnya tiap-tiap hari rindu nk post blog.. Wakakaka.. =D

So today i'm gonna tell you about my last two weeks in seseri. Seseri tu apa? Lol my new school lahh. Sekolah Menengah Sains Seri Puteri, amboiih full! Okay, maybe rmai wondering samada my new school ni kt KL ke Cyberjaya. Nih yg nk marah nihh!! >:|  tak tahu ke?? haha main2 jehhh..

My new school is kt KL bkn seri puteri kt cyberjaya tuh. Kt cyberjaya tu namanya SSP. X ada sains. I pnya ada SAINS. Which mean ada form 4 & 5 je. Okay, straight to the point.. =P first expression bila msuk skolah tu agk PELIKs sbb skolahnya kecik je and smuanya girls. Yup, all girls.

Masa nk brpisah dgn family tu,,, haha of course la banjir kjp. T.T tp, kjp je. I tried to be strong & tough. Alhamdulillah, 2 hari je tringatkan parents. Bkn x igt kt dorg dh lps tu, but i try to not teringatkn dorg. Why?? Takut banjir lg.. Hehe

But i always call dorg. 3,4 kali je x call. Okay lah tu kn? Mmg nk slalu call tp klau call bnjir. X call teringat.. Hmm so tabahkan diri utk call dorg. Tp sah la x blh tahan. Dgr hello terus banjir. But i x adalah trfikir nk blk ke apa? Just homesick la kata org..

But, alhamdulillah, i x rasa yg i seorang. Maybe bcause rmai kwn2 kt sana x adalh rasa nk PT. Opps, lupa. PT stands for pulang terus. I lgsung x rasa mcm tu.

Talking about friends pulak, i've got so many friends there & they were so friendly and best. I got rmh sukan nama Oncidium that was rumah kuning. Class, dpt 4 Adioda. Alhamdulillah. I was so puzzled bila org tnya nk panggil apa.

My name is aina alisha & people, my friends called me Aina. But in seseri everything changed. There  are 2 aina in my dorm and dia duduk sblh katil. Seniors started calling me alisha instead of aina bcause aina tu panggilan for aina sblh katil i. Walaupun nama dia aina farhana. Ppl called her aina & called me alisha.

So, i was like. Okay, anything will be okay for me. :) nama tu pun okay.What a coincidence bila aina farhana tu satu kelas dgn i jgk. So, there are two aina in 4A. It suprised me when one of my classmate nama dia Eisha. X ingat lah eisha ke eisya. Wlau apapun nama dia, sebutannya isha. So, my classmates will call us aina, alisha and eisha. But, alisha and eisha nk dkt sama. Takut confused nnti prasan pulak.

So, fikir fikir fikir. My name, AINA ALISHA. hmm.. Maybe they can call me Nalish or Nalisha perhaps. Argghhh pening. Buat masa skrg ni dorg panggil alisha. X tau la nnti.

Okay, what a long post. Penat scroll. Heheh! ;) okay lah jmpa lg.bye


Aina Alisha <3

Sunday 27 January 2013

1 day left


Hey guys, today was not a happy & a sad day for me. Well, tinggal 1 hari je sblum i meninggalkan my homee sweetty homme, tv trsayang & of course all girls will say 'the sweetest, bestest bed' ya, i suka tido fyi.

So, why i said that it was not a happy and a sad day for me? okay, 1st thing is happy la sbb nk msuk skolah baru. the sad thing is kena tinggalkn smua yg kita sayang. i'm sure you guys will sad too right? nk tinggalkan family.. huhuhuhu sob sob.

Ye laaaaa sapa x sedih?? i dh la sorg je girl dlm adik beradik. of course la sedih.. tmbh pulak when my mom said this:-

mama : kak eisha(pggilan for me) nk tggal mama?
me : menahan sedih..
mama : nnti bila kak eisha prgi, mesti mama msuk bilik kak eisha, tringtkan kak eisha. ingaatt lg pg2 mama kejut kak eisha "kak eisha, bgun prgi skolah..." mesti mama nangis dlm bilik tu..
me : x pyh la ckp mcm tu.. nk nangis niii (dlm hati)
       pndg tmpt lain *wiping tears

sedih right? haii, and i can't believe, lg 2 thun & i hv to leave my mama(hbis skolah) sad okay? SAD ;0
hari selasa ni i'm sure mesti banjir la Seseri tu penuh dgn air mata i. x dpt bygkan..

hari jumaat lps was my last day at smk. sedih thp max. nasib baik x sma klas dgn my bff. kalau x sehari kt skolah tu mesti nk nangissss je.. ;( masa nk blk, tggu dorg dpn klas. kluar je dorg,trus x dpt tahan...

T.T T.T T.T itu lah yg jadi.. i peluk anis, my bff since standard 2. anis pun nangis. it was a sad situation & i can't help it.... waaaaaaa!!!!

dh kluar skolah, i jmpa my another bff, aida. okay, tu lg satu time yg x blh tahan jgk.. peluk aida, T.T T.T T.T trus.. x blh thn sgt.. aida nangis jgk. mcm drama pun ada. dh la dpn pgar skolah mmg ramai lah org.. hehehe

okay, i think smpai situ shj. skrg ni pun i post blog kt rmh aunty i. hari ni RAYYAN QASYFEE's birthday celebration. ha?? sapa Rayyan tuh? my boyfriend. heheehe the cuttest boy ever..

This one is Rayyan Qasyfee..

jgn salah faham.. :P

so, i think smpai situ je blog kali ni. it was a long post but i really enjoy to wrote it.. so, jmpa lg lah..

Aina Alisha <3

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Ahlan Wasahlan !!!


Hey guys! Nice to see, nice to hold. Once broken, consider sold.
hahaha lolll saja je nk melawak. Chill laah!

So, as the title said ' Ahlan Wasahlan ', mksudnya dh lama la i x jmpa korg. Manakan tidak. The school had started with the homeworks, studies & jobs stuff membuatkan my posting blog's job tergendala. Well, sorry la bahasa i cmpur2. Nk jgk jd minah salleh lol! :P

Alaaa, sbnrnya i don't hv enough time la nk posting blog ni.(tired & malas mood) o.O Pasal,,, laptop i kt rmh x blh bukak blog. So, that was my situation.. Konon la prgi mana2 bwk camera, ambil gmba sana, ambil gambar sini(nk msuk blog la KONON) but i can't lahh. X pe ada masa i will share ya? Okay, actually I want to share my HAPPY NEWS to you guys. X de lah happy mana, but for me it was really meaningful..

Last year, I GOT 8A's in PMR. Congratulations to me! :P haha bukan nk bajet eh? nk share. Alhamdulillah, Thank You Allah. So,back to the story. I apply SBP kt SMS Selangor but when i check the results, i x dpt pun SMSS. Guess what?!! I'd got SMS Seri Puteri. It was a girls' school, for ur info so i was so suprised sbb x sgka blh masuk skolah tu. Skolah KLUSTER babe! Alhamdulillah, once again! I akn brtolak kt sana hri Selasa, 29 Januari 2013. So, BYE SMK BTHO2!!!! SMS SERI PUTERI, HERE I COME!! :P so, wish me luck! That's all for today. x tau nk ckp apa dh..

Assalamualaikum <3,

Aina Alisha